ZAP! A 20,000 Volt Blast!

On the 4th of April, 2002 I was late coming home from work to a house full of kids and a kite tangled up on some power lines which run directly across my front garden in Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow.

It was a powerful experience.

Anyway this event introduced me to a whole new world of burn victims, plastic surgery, and high-voltage physiology. Unfortunately, once I was discharged from the hospital, I had a hard time finding the information which I needed to try and understand my experience on the web. I'm collecting it all in these pages. Here, you'll find my own story (sliced and diced in many ways) coupled with lots of links to real medical information (or at least as real as I can figure out).

I am not a doctor. This is what I've lived through and what I've been able to discover, documented to the best of my ability. No more. If you've been down this road, you know that you really can't compare your exprience with anybody else. Make sure you talk to someone who really has a clue. I don't.


E-Diary A record of significant days and events since the ZAP.
E-mail Updates

The various e-mails I have sent out to my network of friends detailing my adventure in healing.

  • 20,000 Volt Blast: How it all began, as posted to the New-Wine mailing list.
  • Burn Update: Written right after I was discharged from the hospital and sent to my friends at Triangle Vineyard Christian Fellowship.
  • Burn Update #2: A progress report with some vignettes from the preceding month.
  • Burn Update #3: Getting better and going back to work.
Connections Lnks to technical and medical information about electrical trauma and related issues.
Glossary Definitions of all the jargon terms used in the web site.

David Rush
Last modified: Fri Jul 26 00:35:16 IST 2002